Popular Culture Is a Messy Mixture of Idols and Common Grace

As we recognize our children’s sinful heart issues, we also need to affirm the good things God has left in human stories, songs, games, and more. Theologians call these good things common grace. This refers to the gifts God gives to people in the world, even if they never believe in him. We find this concept based in several biblical texts. In Matthew 5:43–48, Jesus teaches about love for enemies by talking about how the Father gives rain and sunshine even to his enemies. In Acts 14:15–17, Paul points the people of Lystra to the blessings around them, such as rain and crops, “satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.” These, Paul says, are witnesses to God’s goodness and generosity. The principle behind Paul’s saying is this: anything that gives human hearts joy is ultimately a gift from God. Such gifts give witness to the beauty, love, and power of the Father. Popular culture offers a dazzling collection of these gifts.

In the following chapters, we will explore how Christian parents can search for common grace in popular culture. We’ll also explore how parents can teach their kids to  disentangle these good things from the real idols that also inhabit stories and songs and beyond. Even better, we’ll learn how we can start to answer these human longings—which no other story or song can ever truly fulfill—with the promises found in Jesus alone.